Wednesday, November 17, 2010

untitled love poem, written circa winter 2009

Your skin is like lace as you explore me in the
velvety darkness.
Your voice is like summer-
a slow tender burn that never fails to fill me with hope and soft comfort.

I devour your embrace as you calm me with the steady rhythm of your breathing.

Pierce my heart and let me bleed a deep red for you.
I'll blush- a blue woman who breathes as your angel.
I forget to worry in such strong arms.

Make me laugh my lovely-
Stare into my eyes freely, they are in fact yours...
A fresh green that I hope reminds you of the beautiful earth we love deeply.

I promise to conjure up the smile of a child as I grapple with reality.

Just know to me you are magic and that
I trust you with my every cell.

I reminisce about the lingering fever of yesterday-
when our bodies were wrapped together
(whose limbs were whose?)
It didn't matter...
It was wonderful as we slowly sailed into our dreams.

This poem is a kiss for you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, the way your words elicit emotions, feelings on such a deep level. I felt the passion and love. Have you done anything more recent? I'd love to read more!
